What do Area Directors Do in a Regional District?
What Do Island Trustess Do?
Rural Area Directors in Regional Districts
For unincorporated areas in BC, Rural Area Directors work in co-operation with each other and local municipalities as a regional district board to provide services to a defined area. On the Sunshine Coast this regional area includes Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound and as far up the coast as Earls Cove and Nelson Island.
Where is Area F?
West Howe Sound and the Islands encompasses west from Granthams Landing and Gilmour Rd, north along the coast to McNab Creek. East it includes the Islands of Anvil, Gambier, Keats and the Pasley Island group. SCRD Map - Area F
Regional District Responsibilities
Regional District Boards provide policy direction to staff for regional service delivery in a variety of “functions” including but not limited to:
water systems, waste, parks, cemetery services, public docks, transit, recreation centres, emergency coordination, building permits, land use planning
Island Trustees
The Gambier/Keats Local Trust Committee has two locally elected Trustees that represent island communities in locally-based land planning and coordination with other levels of government. They also meet quarterly with 12 other island groups as part of the Islands Trust Council
Islands in the Local Trust Area
This Local Trust Area includes all the islands in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound with the exception of Bowen Is. Municpality. It also is the planning authority for Islands up the Sunshine Coast as far as Turnagain.
Islands Trust Responsibilities
As the land-planning authority, the Local Trust Committee supports the mandate given to the Islands Trust by the Province to “ Preserve and Protect” the fragile island ecology and rural lifestyle of islands in the Salish Sea